DBT 0302: Jeff Abbott – The Three Beths

This was an unusual interview.

Jeff Abbott’s house burned to the ground as he was writing this book, and it was difficult to ask him about it.

The book is terrific, and I could not wait to see how it ended.

How would you deal with being suspected of murdering your wife? Craig and Mariah Dunning are about to find out. And the neighbors are saying vicious things about Craig. Does Mariah really know her father totally? Imagine yourself in such a position, and then finding out there is another Beth missing, in addition to Craig’s wife Beth. But wait, is there a third?

I found this book complex, and wait till you hear what Jeff says about that. You can hear his southern accent as we do the interview, and let him tell you how the family is doing now, and what Lee Child, the author of the Jack Reacher novels, did for him. It will bring tears to your eyes. It did mine. there are some wonderful people in this world, and I want to know them all.

Reading is such a pleasure, and Jeff Abbott started out with the Jordan Poteet series, of which every book is amazing. I did not realize that that was not the only series he has, but let him tell you about it.

What a nice man, and good friends with another famous author. The crime thriller writing community is very close. And I had the chance to promote this book at Lisa Scottoline’s house party on Saturday. (You will hear about that during the interview also.)

What a pleasure to interview Jeff, and I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next. Why are so many of his books one title? You know I asked him.

Please enjoy this.

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