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DBT 0338: Stan Zimmerman – The Girls: From Golden to Gilmore

Wow! “The Golden Girls,” Stan Zimmerman, one of the writers, what a treat! This guy is a real treat.

I loved him instantly, as you will be able to tell during the interview. To have gotten to where he is today is amazing.

And he worked on “Roseanne,” the TV show as well. How did he survive that? Hear him tell it from his view.

What a talent this man is, and he is still going strong! And no one online knows his age! Will he tell me? Or keep it a secret? You must listen to see if he does. What is his ultimate goal? You will hear for yourself.

Stan is so great to talk to, so giving, and he can finally be honest, coming from a Hollywood that was not always accepting of personal lifestyles. Good for him! Stop the hate, please! And what is with Valerie Bertinelli? It’s a mystery that stays till today. Listen and see. I love reading the excerpts from Stan’s diaries. We can only totally imagine what he went through with the craziness on “Roseanne.” She is something else, but I am not sure what.

Please enjoy this interview; I sure did, over an hour. Wow!

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